
César Ignacio Pérez De la Rosa - LinkedIn - GitHub - Brooklyn, NY 11238

Software Engineer


Education Skills Work Experience Projects Work in porgress portfolio


COOP Careers - Data Analytics Apprentice - June 2024

Engaged in a 16-week apprenticeship program, acquiring expertise in data cleaning, transformation, analysis, and visualization using SQL, Python, and Tableau, alongside continuous professional development. 200 hours of instruction time with a hands-on mastery of data tools, communication training, networking, and client work with actual companies.

City University of New York, Brooklyn College Computer Science - May 2023

Relevant coursework: Python, Web Application Development, Data Structures, Databases.

BS in Computer Science, CUNY Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY – May 2023

Technical Skills and Certifications

Certifications: Google Analytics Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Programming Languages & Visualization: React, Express.js, Node.js, Sequelize, TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Excel (Pivot Table and Vlookup), Google Sheets, Tableau, Git, Linux Terminal, GitHub, HTML, CSS, Figma, Java, Pug, C++

Languages: Spanish (Native), Portuguese (Fluent)

Work Experience

Cohesive Robotics, Full Stack Web Developer Intern - Jun 2023 – Aug 2023

BioMimetic & Cognitive Robotics Lab - Brooklyn College, Full Stack Web Developer Intern - Jan 2023 – May 2023


Impact of COVID-19 on NYC High School Education, Tech Stack: Tableau - March 2024

Squirrel Spotter, Tech Stack: PostgreSQL, Node.js, Express.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Dec 2022

Front-End Web Developer: Email-Spam Database Spring 2022 Feb – May 2022